ESG Scoring and Ranking Made Easy
Introduction: ESG ratings help investors identify and understand financially material ESG risks to a business. With more investors using ESG scores in their investment strategies, the consequences of a bad rating can be significant. If a company were to receive a bad rating from one ESG data provider, its stock may be considered an ‘unsustainable asset’ by investors and excluded from their investment portfolio. If multiple investors follow this reasoning, this can eventually negatively impact your stock price.
AFIEA's Choice: The Best Company ESG Risk Ratings
Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings offer clear insights into the ESG risks of publicly traded companies. Its online company ESG risk rating tool is easy to use even more ESG investing rating details should be disclosed.
Other ESG Scoring and Ratings Systems
MSCIESG risks and opportunities can vary by industry and company. MSCI ESG Ratings model identifies the ESG risks. Its ESG Ratings corporate search tool allows users to search over 2,800 companies; constituents of the MSCI ACWI Index.
S&P GlobalS&P Global Ratings ESG Evaluation assesses a company’s ESG strategy and ability to prepare for potential future risks and opportunities. The methodology captures material ESG impacts on the company's past, present and future.
GRIGRI's Sustainability Disclosure Database provides free access to GRI sustainability reports and other ESG relevant information related to the reporting organizations. You can apply a number of filter and sort options to help refine your search.
Fitch RatingsUntil now, fixed income ESG data has been disparate, difficult to obtain and hard to work with. Fitch is the first agency to provide an opinion about how ESG issues are relevant and material to individual entity credit ratings.
GRESBGRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) also covers infrastructure. ESG index providers for ETFs can select companies from GRESB’s benchmarks with high ESG scores and a proven ESG track record.
ISSISS’ ESG ratings offer research and detailed data on companies, countries, and green bonds and provide investors with the in-depth insight to effectively incorporate sustainability in their investment decision.
CDPCDP runs the global environmental disclosure system. CDP scores support thousands of companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their risks and opportunities on climate change, water security and deforestation.
IdealRatingsIdealRatings ESG scores cover 34,000+ companies and are calculated by capturing companies’ ESG policies. It uses automated processes to aggregate answers to over 150 inputs from company reports and external sources.
MercerMercer’s ESG Ratings evaluate more than 4,400 investment manager strategies on their integration of ESG factors and active ownership. Users can assess how each ESG factor contributes to their own investment outperformance..